A Practical Guide to Disciplinary Investigations

A Practical Guide to Disciplinary Investigations

A Practical Guide to Disciplinary Investigations

About this exclusive to your school HR Advisory course

Who is it for?

This course is aimed at those that will be involved in planning, running, or overseeing a restructure or redundancy process. This could include Governors, Trustees, members of SLT, SBMs, or HR staff. 

Intended Outcomes

This course focuses the practicalities of a disciplinary investigation from the perspective of the Investigating Officer, including:

  • Understanding when and why the school may be required to undertake a disciplinary investigation; 
  •  Exploring the role of the Investigating Officer;  
  •  Understanding what is involved with a disciplinary investigation process; 
  •  Considering how to present the findings, as part of a disciplinary investigation report; and
  • Understanding the recommendations an Investigating Officer can make in a disciplinary investigation. 


    • The session is charged at £140 plus VAT per person, with a minimum of 5 participants . Discounts for Employment Law and HR clients apply. Where the session is to be delivered on site, reasonable travel expenses will be charged in addition to the session cost.   

                  Please contact us for a formal quote and specific availability.


    This course equates to 2.5 hours of CPD and following attendance on the course participants will be sent electronic copies of their CPD certificate.  

    How to book

    Call: 0345 548 7000 (opt 2) or email: hrtraining@judicium.com or fill out the form below

    Enquire about this course