Electrical Safety in Schools

Electrical Safety in Schools

Electrical Safety in Schools

About this exclusive to your school Health & Safety course

What this course contains

This course will provide the attendee with a basic knowledge of electrical safety. It is not intended to provide training or provide sufficient information for the participant to be able to carry out electrical work.

Intended outcomes

The aim of the course is to provide attendees with the knowledge to understand the following:

  • Principles of electricity
  • The regulations relevant to electrical safety
  • Dangers and control measures when working with electrical equipment
  • Preventative measures to be implemented to reduce the risk of harm and fire occurring from electricity when working with electrical equipment and near electrical systems
  • Testing and inspection of electrical systems and equipment

Who is this course for

Designed for Premises Managers, Premises Officers and I.T Technicians.

The cost

The course costs £755 + VAT and can be delivered on site up to 16 delegates.

For schools that do not subscribe to our Health & Safety Support Service, fees are £1,135 + VAT.


To successfully complete the course, attendees will be required to pass a short assessment.


Upon successful completion of the course attendees will be issued a CPD accredited certificate. The course equates to 3 hours of CPD.

How to book

Call: 020 7336 8403 or email: hs-admin@judicium.com or fill out the form below

Enquire about this course