Exclusion & Suspension Panel Training - 27th Feb 2025

Exclusion & Suspension Panel Training  - 27th Feb 2025

Exclusion & Suspension Panel Training - 27th Feb 2025

About this scheduled Clerking course

Who is it for?

This CPD-accredited session is suitable for Governors and Trustees within schools and MATs. The course has been designed for school governors who sit on exclusion panels to effectively consider and reach a decision on the exclusion of a pupil.

Intended Outcomes

This course focuses on the importance of having difficult conversations and how to manage these types of discussions, including looking at a number of practical examples. The aim of the session is to ensure participants can:  

  • To provide guidance to governors when serving on a panel to consider the reinstatement of a pupil following an exclusion.
  • To support governors in determining whether the decision to exclude was lawful, reasonable, and procedurally fair.
  • To enable governors to reach a robust decision following an exclusion panel meeting and clearly define the outcome in the decision letter.
  • To fully understand the Governors role in decision making for an exclusion.


        • If you currently subscribe to Judicium's Clerking and Governance service the cost of the course is £79 + VAT. If you are not current subscribers to the Clerking and Governance service the cost of the course is £99 + VAT.


        • Attendees will be required to pass a short multiple-choice test.


        • Thursday, 27th February at 6pm


        • This course is delivered via Zoom

          How to book

          Register using the Book Now button or email emma.wise@judicium.com