Media Coverage

New research reveals the pressures of escalating need and insufficient resource – but diverging views of the SENDCO role also cause problems, writes Rik Chilvers

Schools do not seem to be as clear about the risk assessment side of their Prevent safeguarding responsibilities as they could be. James Simoniti considers why this might be and offers some pointers on filling them in

Schools do not seem to be as clear about the risk assessment side of their Prevent safeguarding responsibilities as they could be. James Simoniti considers why this might be and offers some pointers on filling them in

Safeguarding and data protection are high accountability responsibilities which are closely inter-related. Judicium Education's Head of Data Services, Craig Stilwell, and Head of Safeguarding, Helen King, consider how long we should keep different staff and student records for.

Safeguarding and data protection are high accountability responsibilities which are closely inter-related. Judicium's Head of Data Services, Craig Stilwell, and Head of Safeguarding, Helen King, consider how long we should keep different staff and student records for.

Increasing demands from above and below are conspiring to make the safeguarding lead role unsustainable, writes Helen King

Safeguarding is a priority for every school leader – Safeguarding Consultant James Simoniti advises how you can strengthen your recruitment process and keep on top of any safeguarding issues that may arise.

Safeguarding expert and former police officer James Simoniti discusses some of the lessons learned from Child Q as well as important advice and practical tips for safer student searches.

What steps can your school take to strengthen safer recruitment and to keep on top of emerging safeguarding issues? With a focus on addressing issues of child-on-child abuse, James Simoniti advises

HR and legal expert Kelly Rayner offers some important advice and practical tips on how your school can support colleagues who may be affected by menopause symptoms.
Media Coverage